17 juni 2007


I just saw About a boy and even if it was like the tenth time or so I still love it. It's so freaking cozy.
And I'm in love with England and English accents, therefore I write this blog entry in English.
It's been a heck of a while since I last wrote in English. Not since the last mail to the girls in Canada. Hum, I might write something to them again. Just to be polite and stuff.

I really want to live in England at least once. It's one of my great goals in life and I'm not a complete person without having achieved at least most of my goals.

Some other goals:
Become an author, thus giving out at least one novel.
Make a career as a sports journalist.
Be as healthy as possible - which can differ depending on which country I'm living in. In America: "Yo man, you've got an astonishing body! Only 125 kilos. Wow.".
Naah, I'm just joking. As long as I'm healthy, I'm pleased.

Very well. Nu blir det svenska igen. Men jag ska spela lite FM och lyssna lite på Avril. Sedan sova. Hälsosamt? Inte riktigt.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Svenska är bra, engelska är bättre ;)

Författaren sa...

Oerhört mycket bättre faktiskt.